Business Case For Investing in Great Women Art

Portrait art of pioneering women is a diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) tool with proven results.

As organizations evolve, diversity leaders are using new tools to create inclusive-feeling workplaces that attract and retain top talent.  U.S. companies spend more than $8 billion annually on diversity training. Yet a meta-review of almost one thousand studies finds a dearth of evidence about their efficacy.   

What's the issue? Diversity training doesn't work if it doesn't change mindsets. 

What DEI tool does work? Behavioural science now shows us simple 'design interventions' change mindsets. Like updating portrait art in offices, halls and boardrooms. Why? Because what hangs on your walls speaks to your values. 

Great Women Productions' "MOTHERS OF SCIENCE" boardroom collection now available to corporate female diversity leaders. Related information: 

Tax Incentives - Purchasing Canadian Art 

Booklet  - MOTHERS OF SCIENCE portrait collection

More - about the Great Women Portrait Project.

Video - Mothers of Science portrait collection at Chester Arts Centre 

Portrait Prices - and the elements that comprise  corporate collections

Portrait Commission Details