“Are the portraits that hang in the hallways of your organization only of past male leaders? Know that this is impacting what employees or students believe possible for themselves.” - Iris Bohnet, Academic Dean at Harvard Kennedy School, author of ‘What Works: Gender Equality By Design’
Join The Great Women Portrait Project HERE

Invite Great Women into your boardroom or office space -and give girls their 'hidden' history

Artist Jo Napier creates Great Women portraits, like this one (right) of Oregon physician, feminist, and fierce advocate for women's rights, Dr. Marie Equi.

(30 x 40 oil pastel and acrylic)

Join the project - see the 2 steps here
"No one ever told me Mozart had a sister named Nannerl, who, he said, was the talented one. This is the history we're only just learning and it's exciting -but it's infuriating not to have learned earlier." --- Gloria Steinem
""When I grew up, there was very little women's history in the textbooks and, if there was, it was in this little box at the bottom... as little girls, we went to those boxes and read them, avidly." -PBS Interview with Meryl Streep